Previous Messages
The Gospel of John: Living Water
Living water quenches our deepest thirst. What can we learn from the story of the "woman at the well...
The Gospel of John: Water, Wind, and Spirit
Harnessing the power of the wind of the Spirit: lessons from Jesus' conversation with Jewish pharise...
The Gospel of John: Jesus and the Temple
Jesus upsets tables in the Temple and upsets the vendors' tables- what does this mean for us?
New Wine and Old Wineskins
Guest pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel sheds light on the lessons in Jesus' story of putting ew wine into o...
The Gospel of John: Come and See
Friendship with Jesus, the calling of the disciples and investing times in our friendships
The Gospel of John: Our New Neighbor
Introduction to the Gospel of John: what is John's purpose in writing this Gospel book?